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East Point Lighthouse: A Beacon of History, Charm, and Coastal Beauty

Step into the captivating world of East Point Lighthouse, a timeless marvel perched on the Southern Bayshore of Cumberland County, New Jersey. Built in 1849, this active lighthouse isn’t just a navigational aid but a living testament to maritime history and a must-visit destination for adventurers and history enthusiasts alike. Let’s embark on a journey through time and tides at East Point Lighthouse!

As dusk falls over the Delaware Bay, East Point Lighthouse comes to life with its blinking red beacon, serving as a steadfast guide for seafarers. Managed by the dedicated Maurice River Historical Society, this fully restored two-story Cape Cod gem stands tall, welcoming visitors to explore its rich history and maritime heritage.

Thanks to the unwavering efforts of the non-profit historical society, East Point Lighthouse isn’t just a relic of the past – it’s a living museum. Open year-round for climbing, touring, and hosting special events, the lighthouse invites you to immerse yourself in the fascinating stories etched within its walls. The National Historic Registry proudly boasts the Lighthouse and its picturesque surroundings.

Beyond its historical significance, East Point is a haven for nature enthusiasts and photographers. Breathtaking sunsets paint the sky with hues of orange and pink, casting a magical spell over the Delaware Bay. The diverse wildlife, from graceful birds to gentle sea breezes, enhances the sensory experience of this coastal paradise.

Before or after your exploration, make sure to visit the on-site Lighthouse Gift Shoppe, where maritime treasures and souvenirs await. The picnic area, ADA ramp, and inviting beach (except during high tides) provide the perfect backdrop for a day of relaxation and discovery. The grounds are always open to the public, inviting you to absorb the serenity and charm that East Point exudes.

To make the most of your East Point Lighthouse experience, check the schedule for available tour times and dates. Whether you’re a history buff, a nature lover, or someone seeking a unique coastal escape, East Point welcomes all. For updates and additional information, visit the Friends of East Point Light Facebook page or call (856) 785-0349.

East Point Lighthouse stands not only as a sentinel of maritime history but as a cherished destination where the past seamlessly intertwines with the present. With its beacon illuminating the way for sailors and its doors open wide for curious minds, this New Jersey landmark beckons you to discover the beauty, history, and charm that define East Point. Come, be enchanted by the tales whispered by the tides and the timeless allure of East Point Lighthouse.


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